Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): is a set of rules applied by Cloudwerx
Data solutions for its networks, websites, or data centers’ that restrict the ways
in which the site or system may be used by both its employees, vendors and customers.
By signing this document you agree to abide by the rules setout within.
IT Services Agreement (ITS): This agreement is a requirement for
all Cloudwerx Data Solution clients. Subject to the terms and conditions included
in the Agreement, by signing, the client authorizes Cloudwerx Data Solutions and
its specialized staff access to their facility, as required, and IT related systems
for the sole purpose of providing support and IT services as requested by the client.
The client acknowledges, and accepts via this agreement, that Cloudwerx Data Solutions
will not be held liable for the loss of any data or failure due to any hardware
which may occur, due to hardware or software failure that may occur during the time
the work was completed. The client understands that Cloudwerx will ensure that all
safety protocols and procedures relating to the security of the hardware and the
confidential data that may be contained there on will be followed at all times.
The following are for the Healthcare Sector only:
Information Management Agreement (IMA): This is an agreement required
under the Health Information Act, section 66. Cloudwerx, is an ‘Information Manager’
for our clients in the healthcare sector, and is responsible for ensuring health
related information, such as patient data, is kept confidential and secure. The
Information Management Agreement is a formal pledge of Cloudwerx Data Solutions
to protect the information of your clinic or client base within our datacentre and
an acknowledgement and approval from you to host the information in the aforementioned
secure setting but with the understanding that there are still risks involved although
For more information on the Health Information Act visit
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) - (according to the Office of the
Privacy Commissioner of Alberta website
www.oipc.ab.ca): The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
(FOIP) Act provides the authority for the Information and Privacy Commissioner to
comment on the implications for freedom of information or for protection of privacy
of proposed legislative schemes or programs of public bodies. Privacy impact assessments
are not mandatory under the FOIP Act, but are recommended for major projects that
involve the collection, use or disclosure of personal information.
The Health Information Act (HIA) requires that the Information and Privacy Commissioner
receive a privacy impact assessment for review and comment before a custodian implements
proposed administrative practices and information systems relating to the collection,
use or disclosure of individually identifying health information. Privacy impact
assessments are mandatory under the HIA if the project fits the foregoing definition.
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has developed a Privacy Impact
Assessment (PIA) process to assist organizations in reviewing the impact that the
new project may have on the individual privacy. The process is designed to ensure
that the public body or custodian evaluates the program or scheme to ensure compliance
with the FOIP Act or HIA.
For more information visit www.oipc.ab.ca